SonSon 發表於 2010-11-10 08:19

回覆: 買左Xtreamer SideWinder啦

間唔中試過hd audio 無聲出,要襟memu制先出番聲,不過唔知係機定個file 問題.

發送自我的 GT-I9000 大板凳

t5ho 發表於 2010-11-10 10:52

I got "vee vee" sound when changing the voice(e.g: from cantonese to 國語, I don't know why ...
jg1899 發表於 2010-11-9 23:04


t5ho 發表於 2010-11-10 10:56

有無師兄用過wifi 手指, 比D意見丫

lwhk 發表於 2010-11-10 14:59

回復 12# t5ho

無 vv 声wor, 好靜 wor.

wally333 發表於 2010-11-10 16:23

尋晚睇左套"線人"39G, DTS-M-HD 7.1 無問題
t5ho 發表於 2010-11-9 22:14

咁 TRUEHD 有無問題?謝謝!

jg1899 發表於 2010-11-10 16:51

回復 12# t5ho

有呀, 所以現在冇用全個blue ray file!

jasonhh 發表於 2010-11-11 10:14

i bought one yesterday too!

Tried last night for a short while, quite happy with it!
- confirm can bitstream DTSHD-MSTR, DOLBY TRUE HD
Some comparison between this xtreamer & the Aigo P8126;
- xtreamer has very nice GUI, while p8126's GUI is very bad....
- very user freindly movie playback function, e.g. (+/-30 sec, +3 min / -1min, 'Go to' by exact time input, none of these provided by p8126...)
- control response is generally quite good (actually much faster then p8126)
- can delete files in USB HDD and NAS (p8126 cannot)
- Full DVD ISO menu (none for p8126)
- can play BD ISO but no BD menu at all, so cannot choose tracks like special feature etc (same for p8126)
- be prepared sometimes need to restart once to be able to detect network drives (from my NAS), but that's acceptable to me coz my p8126 sometimes couldn't detect at all the whole day after i've tried everything...very frustrating
- SOUND: from my short test, volume & bass output much stronger then p8126!!
- PICTURE: generally quite good, but sharpness is obviously not as sharp as p8126, and p8126 is obvioiusly able to provide more details

OVERALL: Super happy with the new xtreamer toy for its price![ i paid (@%)], super good C/P for able to bitstream!a good choice for c hings don't want to pay over $2000 for a media player that can bitstream (actually i personally think if pay over $2000, it's better to pay a bit more to buy HTPC for its virtually unlimited upgradeability, stronger cpu power, use as CAS, etc etc)
I bought this only because i've been using p8126 with satisfying picture/sound quality but it's been quite unstable and getting more & more unstable lately, also i'm starting to sick of its lack of playback functions, unable to delele files is frustrating me as well.

t5ho 發表於 2010-11-11 12:20

多謝分享, 有無買原廠wifi天線?
到底買左幾銀 (@%) 9250 ?

jasonhh 發表於 2010-11-11 12:41

多謝分享, 有無買原廠wifi天線?
到底買左幾銀 (@%) 9250 ?
t5ho 發表於 2010-11-11 12:20

- sorry for confusion, i paid (@%.
- 原廠wifi天線 is not included for this price
- i'm using the same 'palic' HDMI cable for both p8126 & this new xtreamer, but even compare to before 'p8126+cheap cheap HDMI from broadway gift', the p8126 video was still better (having said that, i'm still happy with Xtreamer's good c/p, and its video quality is not bad at all by any means)

t5ho 發表於 2010-11-11 15:04

今底買, 早D開post,等我地可以買平D丫
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