SFX P Speaker Cable
各位c-hing, 我係新手一名, 請問我個speaker不是bi-wire, 即係是唔你我可似用一條SFX綫,其中兩條用正, 另外兩條用負就可以, 但唔行double run會唔會对音色有影響呢? {:1_342:} 4條線咪打孖兩線行兩組law!咁咪 single wire 啦!{:6_182:} I just finished Single run la!! But it is strange that there is no band name printing on the surface of the cable , and the four conductors is only two colour---- two white and two blue!!!! 回復 5# jg1899你0個條應係十週年版, 有字的, 不過好難睇, 去光猛地方應睇到 我見到啦