同感 : 整天改来改去
本帖最後由 corolladv 於 2010-11-7 18:22 編輯各Ching, 有冇DIY 上的小小同感
轉自发烧HIFI音响论坛 : 我老婆都说:"整天改来改去................ 声音有冇改善 , 改得好听" 改之前要知自己要咩,
得左{:6_237:} 回復 2# 鐵心心
同意{:6_183:} 玩音響係咁呀啦!diy 改黎改去有咩所謂喎!{:6_238:}
最怕就係d 器材換來換去ja!{:6_174:} DIY is a good way to modify the av appliance, you got the best value. DIY is fun in additional to improving the gear's performance.
However, in my opinion I will not mod/DIY hi-end or expensive gears. 有時望住部機, 都心庠庠 {:6_138:} 依d係身痕既象徵,最後都係換嘢止痕