Ben-Hur【賓虛】50 周年紀念版 Blu-ray Disc
嘩....而家成日都摷返d 舊戲出來, 再出 xx週年紀念版....咁搞法, 好唔掂喎.......
邊有咁多銀両呀....{:1_331:} 其實都估到會出,爭在幾時咁解,會唔會有港版呢{:1_342:} 真係賓虛甘嘅場面 DVD Package:
Hope that is Remastered Ver.......{:1_326:} C Hing 有無最新消息啊...{:6_136:} 入呀!呢套必入呀!{:6_134:}
但係冇乜消息咁喎......好似{:6_141:} The Blu-ray version will feature 2 BD-50s, while the DVD version will be a 5-disc set. There will be a new 6K HD restoration for Blu-ray. 即係好大機會今年之內出到BD{:6_139:}