請問BDP...Pioneer LX52 和 LX53 有乜分別,那部好呢?..thank you{:1_330:}Of course LX52 is better, if you can found it now.
LX53 is a OEM BD player by Sharp and quality is just so so. It's only advantage over LX52 is Multi-channel Bitstream PQLS which can only be paired up with VSX-LX83 at this moment. LX54都黎緊喇{:6_142:} LX54 only added 3D function, quality seems same as LX53... 我聽過個sales講..53=320..而330=120..唔知係唔係..不過我係九龍灣見部唔記得50定51..好吸引 我聽過個sales講..53=320..而330=120..唔知係唔係..不過我係九龍灣見部唔記得50定51..好吸引 ...
depeche_lam 發表於 2010-11-8 18:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
LX52=320, 53/120/330係sharp機 回復 6# MSZ
不如買OPPO lor.....{:1_331:}