但係大家都係高清音效, 祗不過大家自家 Format .. 可不可以咁樣去理解 !!!!
Netmans 發表於 2010-11-3 01:41 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
可以,大家都係高清音效,因為分別只係解碼部分由amp負責定係由bdp負責,同埋你需唔需要睇到"點燈"。當然正如樓上 d ching話齋,只係睇你部bdp解碼能力好d定係你部amp好d,如果你部bdp解得都ok既,照計應該唔會有太大分別... 回復 11# kevchan1103
So, which of the following case will provide better sound for Bluray movie? Should be 1, right?
1. PS3 bitstream -> 767
2. PS3 decode -> 767 DSP 回復 12# lungying
Actually I think (2), although the decode is done on the PS3, but you're still getting HD audio, and the difference is minimal, although many members claims the difference is huge, but personally I think its just psychological effect and the change in volume that makes people think so.
But the difference of DSP vs without DSP is huge! And the quality you lose by using only DTS core vs DTS HD is much much greater. Thanks for your comments. Coz still thinking buy ps3 or a bluray player. From 767 discussion board, either can choose bitstream to maintain HD or Dolby Digital + DSP. I didn't try HD yet, but for DD + DSP, the surround is cool enough with my current 7.1 front presence speakers setting for playing DVD.