Tvix N1 簡體字亂碼如何解決﹖
新買了Tvix N1咖啡機播放器﹐測試了三日﹐無論哪個版本的固件都沒有中文簡體字選項﹐而大部份電影及音樂唱片播放的簡體字幕顯示亂碼﹐不知如何解決﹖ 奇怪是讀國內網站關於N1此機的貼圖﹐系統都可以顯示中文簡體字﹐但官網提供的固件
{:1_331:} 在他網找到了可能是死症的答案﹕
That and also DViCO has a policy (dont ask me why) that they only support Simplified Chinese to the market in mainland China. I have requested support for it like here in Australia we have alot of Chinese people and there is a demand for Simplified Chinese but it does not look like we will be able to get it.