電腦 soundcard 問題!
請問呢度有冇玩 CAS 高手? 我用 Onkyo PCI-90 。呢張卡值得去 MOD 嗎? Any suggestion?請問呢度有冇玩 CAS 高手? 我用 Onkyo PCI-90 。呢張卡值得去 MOD 嗎? Any suggestion?
喬峰 發表於 2010-11-1 17:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
個人覺得.....買個USB dac 應該好過 pci soundcard..........所以......為興趣同研究.....不妨一試,但為好聲就不見意! 個人覺得.....買個USB dac 應該好過 pci soundcard..........所以......為興趣同研究.....不妨一試 ...
maner394 發表於 2010-11-1 21:16 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
maner 兄,
你嘅意思喺加個 USB dac 會好聲過 MOD pci soundcard 嗎? 如果喺, 有冇好介紹呢? 謝謝 maner 兄,
你嘅意思喺加個 USB dac 會好聲過 MOD pci soundcard 嗎? 如果喺, 有冇好介紹呢? 謝謝 ...
喬峰 發表於 2010-11-1 22:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
MOD 過 pci soundcard 唔敢講好唔好,如計原装 pci soundcard ,始終電腦機箱內太多干懮,不過外置始終多舊野.........
我自己就玩幾佰蚊Mocha Dac,再好D就 MD10 千零蚊,再高D就 cambridge audio DAC 約 $3xxx頭,再正D Musical Fidelity M1 DAC 4千頭!
Musical Fidelity M1 DAC
Mocha Dac
cambridge audio DAC
http://www.post76.com/discuss/attachments/forumid_52/0910242234ba68770283e6695e.jpg 我都用緊Onkyo PCI-90喔, 不過咩都無搞過, 只是再駁個T-AMP. MOD 吳 MOD , 都係興趣所至 Thank you! 我用過 SE-90 三年, 半年前改用 Musiland Monitor US 02 (USB DAC), 聲底取向有幾大分別, Onkyo 的味精比較多, Musiland 就比較清小小, 分析力強, 用那一款要看個人口味, 沒有一定好與不好 As I am not allowed to send SMS to you, I will share my comments here.I can tell the difference after swapping the SE-90 to Musiland Monitor 02 US, it is more natural and I can hear more details, if you love clear sound, you may like its taste. As I am not allowed to send SMS to you, I will share my comments here.I can tell the difference af ...
andrew225 發表於 2010-11-5 14:56 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thank you Andrew