OPPO bdp-83在美国的售价飙得厉害啊!!
本帖最後由 AntonioII 於 2010-11-1 14:42 編輯原只售$499的83现在已经飙到了$859啦!
http://www.amazon.com/OPPO-BDP-8 ... =sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&;qid=1288146296&sr=8-1
that's surprise, they don't know 93 is coming soon next year?{:6_242:} 貴咗咁多,值唔值{:6_136:} 回復 2# lyl223
In USA, this appearance is event. the price will be rised before the product will be sale out...... 買泥做咩呀, 等新93好過啦 that's surprise, they don't know 93 is coming soon next year?
lyl223 發表於 2010-11-1 17:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
玩得這個Oppo品牌的人,那有不知93快出籠呢?只是美國的玩家,並不像香港普遍人都只追新產品,因為若果不需要3D+Wi-Fi,何必買93,正所謂多隻香爐多隻鬼,(這並不是說93不好) 所以,不如買一部既肯定又可信賴的舊款機無妨,再加上Oppo的特性,就算是停產的機種,他們亦不減一個仙,所以唯有去追貨買,這亦是玩Oppo的保值的原因,很多年半前在美國出售的藍光機,現只跌剩原價的20%至35%左右,但只有Oppo還企得很硬呢!這情況在香港也一樣,一部二手83,賣價3500或以上,若你在同期買一部Sony or Panasonic,今天你放出去都沒人有興趣啊!{:1_333:} I think it's worth to wait and see the performance of 93 before making decision, unless you are very urgent to replace your BDP. 人民幣升左無辦法 {:6_238:}