jackwongnt 發表於 2010-10-29 12:24

我都嗨由入門級安橋702S一去去到3007的, 但現在有D後悔當初太過心急應該再等過幾個星期等5007出咗~入5007就好嘍!

SEGA1119 發表於 2010-10-29 12:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

3007 有什麼問題...令你有D後悔 想要5007 ???

commail 發表於 2010-10-29 12:24


kenny_honman 發表於 2010-10-29 12:26


fm31331 發表於 2010-10-29 13:00


vc113 發表於 2010-10-29 13:01

冇話值唔值得既....好就一定好過賀啦.料都靚d, 夠buget 咪頂級囉...一野唔洗諗咁多呀嗎~

jackwongnt 發表於 2010-10-29 13:07

From...外國 site..

The 5008 has over the 3008

- Massive Toroidal transformer for High current drive
- Finest 192kHz/32bit Burr-Brown DACs vs 24 bit for the 3008
- 5 extra Watts per channel (you won't be able to hear the difference)

加幾千$$$ for 隻Toroidal transformer 同 32bit Burr-Brown DACs{:6_202:}

doublez 發表於 2010-10-29 13:10

有得再揀, 我寧願前後級都唔用 5007

jackwongnt 發表於 2010-10-29 13:12

師兄 should check this..

interview with John Curl, a designer behind Mark Levinson JC-2 and Vendetta preamplifier:

"When we talk about transformers we have to separate power amps and preamps. While they are not perfect, Toroidal transformers are logical choice for power amplifiers because they are very efficient, they tend to have a fairly low hum field, and they're readily available in large power ratings.
For preamplifiers and other line-level components, the old type EI transformers or what's called a D-core or split C-core transformer is actually better than a toroid. First of all, they tend to be more compact, and second, and perhaps more importantly, they have very low capacitance between the windings.
This can be a problem when Toroids are used in low level signal applications; the windings are on top of each other so they talk to each other. And today the AC power is so dirty. We fix that by using a transformer that isolates the winding, which is important on low level circuits. The old style EI or the new C- or D-core is the ultimate in that respect-as long as it is a dual-bobbin winding with physically separate bobbins for the primary and for secondary. It makes big difference in sound quality."
I'm only using split bobbin transformers for line level equipment now, never had problem with buzzing.

即係話自已D 電, signal 唔夠料便唔好上 "環牛"..{:6_199:}

CKKeung 發表於 2010-10-29 13:47

The 5008 seems to have a big 環牛 for the power section & two smaller 方牛 for the preamp & digital sections.This configuration is exactly what John Curl recommends!

bh72bh72 發表於 2010-10-29 13:51

ching 對808有乜吾滿意...808出了無來
頁: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: 808 貴一倍上3008..值嗎?請師兄比意見

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