Did u try Dali Ar?!
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 ...
hy358 發表於 2010-10-30 23:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
tried quad lite as well , mo ar , dail seems like need to go fortress , but me and my fds went to MK today , so can't try dail >< maybe next time haha tried quad lite as well , mo ar , dail seems like need to go fortress , but me and my fds wen ...
benny888 發表於 2010-10-31 01:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
How u comment quad lite then? Is your taste? benny888兄找左D咩歌仔試D喇叭呀??反應OK嗎?? How u comment quad lite then? Is your taste?
hy358 發表於 2010-10-31 10:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
quad lite d 人聲.... 唔g 點咁 sounds like they opened EQ , and my fd feels they opened EQ too , but then my fd asked the sales and he said ofcoz no EQ la , direct out ga =,= 可能聲底唔arm 我同我fd haha 本帖最後由 benny888 於 2010-10-31 14:58 編輯
tta888 發表於 2010-10-31 13:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
me > olivia ong, my fd tired > 陳潔麗
s520反應OK ga,my comment : bass: super good, mid: 人聲好出好jan, high: little bit 尖 but it's acceptable to me
my fds comment is around the same haha but he doesn't really like the highs part
and seems like my fd really wanna buy it but for me ..... rather than bass , it doesn't really hv big improvement to my genie, so maybe need to try try others haha
$2k 樓下.... usher s-520 ??
本帖最後由 hy358 於 2010-10-31 14:26 編輯quad lite d 人聲.... 唔g 點咁 sounds like they opened EQ , and my fd feels they opened EQ too , but then my fd asked the sales and he said ofcoz no EQ la , direct out ga =,= 可能聲底唔arm 我同我fd haha
Quad lite 相對地係比較厚
你聽olivia 一把咁輕咁甜既聲可能會唔慣
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 Quad lite 相對地係比較厚
你聽olivia 一把咁輕咁甜既聲可能會唔慣
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 ...
hy358 發表於 2010-10-31 14:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
maybe that's why hahaha me > olivia ong, my fd tired > 陳潔麗
s520反應OK ga,my comment : bass: super good, mid: 人聲 ...
benny888 發表於 2010-10-31 14:16 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
甘仲要諗.....520 {:1_351:}
早知 師兄去試, 我都去埋啦.....{:1_352:} 回復SUGIZO
是嗎 發表於 2010-10-30 00:06 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
其實果度 ok 架 ,
上過去幾次都見 有班熟客仔係樹打躉{:1_340:} 原來又係講緊呢間......
其實果度 ok 架 ,
上過去幾次都見 有班熟客仔係樹打躉 ...
SUGIZO 發表於 2010-11-2 10:00 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
they said i can order other colour haha so great ^^