time crisis 4
Anyone bought time crisis + move + eye?I went to shop around lately
move+eye+demo game=$540
time crisis 4= $350
the plastic gun=$160
move x 1=$350
if want to 2 play= 540+350+350+160+160= $1580
Is this price range reasonable?
what about time crisis 4, is the game good? How's the sensor reacting?
Thks c hing. 我都想知........定兄召喚~~ 隻Game套裝應該係 999,包 Move+槍架+眼+Game ,見過最平飛盒899,可遇不可求
Move 339 正價,炒價進行中,約350-390
Game 就330都見過
如果以899套裝計,+350+160,1410就最完美 上網見d人講$899個鎗托係山寨版
仲有人話山寨版鎗托d接合位好雞...... 買 999 果 set 最正.....
山寨版鎗托 放入 move (有 D 吳順 kick kcik 地)
因為我個 friend 買左 山寨版鎗托 59紋果個 (當時無帶 move 在身 無德試....)
昨日見到 MK 有原庒 鎗托+move set 449...(又多1個選擇啦 hehe...){:6_237:} 上網見d人講$899個鎗托係山寨版
laiho 發表於 2010-10-27 15:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
899@良品係山寨 899@熱線係原裝 the game is only $320 in 188. and the gun is around $120 only. thank you all for the information~
咁我睇嗰間都係偏貴了~ Razing Storm其實同街機質素完全一樣?899套裝宜家邊度有?謝! $980 including Beat Sketch !!