chhanthony 發表於 2010-11-2 13:26

actually I have considered it.. but seems no much 口啤 can be found in forum...
which moda ...
TerryLam 發表於 2010-11-2 09:38

香港小人用O者, 其實Anthem好好口碑

TerryLam 發表於 2010-11-2 14:41

本帖最後由 TerryLam 於 2010-11-2 14:43 編輯

香港小人用O者, 其實Anthem好好口碑
chhanthony 發表於 2010-11-2 13:26

請問代理地址 ? 有 show room 嗎 ?
or 那裡賣平 ?


p.s. 如果同A51 比較... Which one is better ?

chhanthony 發表於 2010-11-2 20:31

請問代理地址 ? 有 show room 嗎 ?
or 那裡賣平 ?


p.s. 如果同A51 比較... Which one is bet ...
TerryLam 發表於 2010-11-2 14:41


RTA 發表於 2010-11-3 01:18

回復 21# hintel

    {:6_183:} hintel師兄隻 KEF 爆咗之後.果部萬惡的 crown 後级有冇跟住爆炸,{:5_92:} {:5_92:} {:5_92:} 哈哈哈好好笑....................

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-11-3 05:39

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2010-11-3 05:48 編輯

請問代理地址 ? 有 show room 嗎 ?
or 那裡賣平 ?
p.s. 如果同A51 比較... Which one is bet ...
TerryLam 發表於 2010-11-2 14:41

Anthem 最正係P5, 5 channels完全獨立,包括5隻牛,One channel driven和Multi-channel driven輸出一樣,加理P2 = 325w x 7。

平啲就A5+A2,但電源供應不是獨立,One channel driven和Multi-channel driven 輸出不同,但平一半,A5比A51還要平,但A51用料正的,雖然MIT,Anthem是MINA(MIC??)。

1. 6B sst2 + 4B sst2 X 2 = 300w x 7 (最平均,又最貴,起碼12~13皮)
2. 4B sst2 + 9B sst2 = 300w x 2 + 140w x 7
3. 3B sst2 + 9b sst2 = 150w x 2 + 140w x 7 (平均啲,平啲)

shum 發表於 2010-11-3 11:31

Ching, I did consider Athem too. Saw some review about the D2V sound pretty good.... But the only thing i am not sure .....because not much user use in hk. So i believe if i bought it and change to something else...the 2nd hand market not that big....

shum 發表於 2010-11-3 11:32

Big hing, u in vancouver right? haha if i ever come back....can i home visit? haha
Have u heard when the Denon flagship pre amp comming? i cant wait much longer lol

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-11-3 13:18

Ching, I did consider Athem too. Saw some review about the D2V sound pretty good.... But the only th ...
shum 發表於 2010-11-3 11:31

Let me make a conclusion about the popularity of D2v in HK.

1. It's ,indeed, an expensive AV processor but not support HDMI 1.4a.

2. Excel HiFi doesn't make an efforts on promoting the AV gears.

3. It's too complicated to use the ARC. You need to use a laptop to help you set-up auto EQ.

TerryLam 發表於 2010-11-3 16:35

Yeah. 所有野都安排好晒.
SC5508 同 Anthem A5, 星期五貨到.

呢個星期六/日, 可以慢慢玩.
其實本來想買 A51, 不過一來代理冇現貨, 二來佢又串過乜, 講多2句都想吸你線.
相反 Anthem 既2位哥哥仔服務就好好, 加上 Anthem 又係黑色. 正.

想再多謝咁多位 CHING 給小弟熱心指點同分析.
Thanks all.

仲差線未買. XLR 定 RCA 呢 ? 心大心細...{:1_253:}

randyma 發表於 2010-11-3 16:50

Yeah. 所有野都安排好晒.
SC5508 同 Anthem A5, 星期五貨到.

呢個星期六/日, 可以慢慢玩.
其實本來想買 A5 ...
TerryLam 發表於 2010-11-3 16:35

Anthem A5 好野泥, 弓起.{:1_335:}
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查看完整版本: Onkyo 5508 Pre-Amp 配咩後級 ?

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