發覺無咩人講Mission呢個牌子,我近日入咗套,其實都幾好。 ching... 兇澤長期有 promotion...! 我就係個喥買,有分期嘛,ching你是否用緊。 哦....我仲想話比 ching 知 tim....{:1_328:} ching知唔知點解咁少人講呢個牌子,是否唔惦。 ching知唔知點解咁少人講呢個牌子,是否唔惦。 回復 1# mingty我前置都係mission, n年前向豐澤買,依家仲好好聲!!! 可能係speaker 牌子太多啫, 所以吾覺啫
之前都有D 文講 mission
http://www.post76.com/discuss/search.php?searchid=145&orderby=lastpost&ascdesc=desc&searchsubmit=yes I bought a center speaker of Mission.... dont think that's realli good.... the sound is too "high". 有啲刺耳... em maybe it's juz the problem of setting only. Mission 都幾好, 用左二年, 幾滿意