tofu1978 發表於 2010-10-20 16:50

even on a DVD i can hear it ... with 650BD I couldn't{:6_123:}

marcocyh 發表於 2010-10-20 16:51

i like it very much!!! but over $10k for a bd player....a bit too expensive for me, good machine anyway!!

matt 發表於 2010-10-20 19:47

did u try u8004 to decode and use 7 rca cable to av amp? and compare decoded by av amp, which one is better on sound?

matt 發表於 2010-10-20 19:47

i am thinking lx91 pioneer or u8004? similar price now!

CKKeung 發表於 2010-10-20 20:13

I guess Marnatz's music performance is warmer.

tofu1978 發表於 2010-10-20 21:21

回復 13# matt
nah, already too many cables behind the rack

matt 發表於 2010-10-20 22:40

as my old av amp has no hd decode, need to find a bdp in good decode and use rca to av amp. some ching higher recommand lx91. but it is already 2 years old technology. looking for good cp value machine.

tofu1978 發表於 2010-10-20 23:11

91 is a few k more expensive and it is still top model of Pioneer, but I hv the same worry as u do since it is a 2-yr old technology product

I hv never try RCA for all channel, and I don't think u can find a shop for such demo

francis_leung21 發表於 2010-12-4 21:52

高級bluray 機一定要試7.1 decode

tofu1978 發表於 2010-12-5 20:11

高級bluray 機一定要試7.1 decode
francis_leung21 發表於 2010-12-4 21:52 [url=

Ching do u mean 7.1 decode by connecting with RCA from player to amp?
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