Crossover setting問題
我用緊mordaunt short alumni 衛星箱仔, 雖然佢spec 最低係100hz, 但audyssey自動幫我crossover set左做120hz, 我想問如果將Front speaker set 做large, double bass on, 係咪即係前置所有頻率都會比佢出埋, 而bass依然出120hz下既野?如果係咁, 點解唔將前置set做large等佢可以出到全頻, 雖然出到唔代表好, 但係咪應該可以令個分頻smooth D? alumni FRONT SPEAKER 幾多寸? SET LARGE 會唔會好傷GA..{:6_141:} alumni FRONT SPEAKER 幾多寸? SET LARGE 會唔會好傷GA..
reedville 發表於 2010-10-16 23:24
3.5" only 本帖最後由 reedville 於 2010-10-17 00:38 編輯
3.5" only
darkfrank 發表於 2010-10-16 23:27
其實我都唔係好識...{:6_123:} 唔知師兄係咪講緊呢樣...ONKYO 說明書好似SAY <100mm 就係SET SMALL... for normal small speaker or low end floorstanding speaker, it's better set small and let the subwoofer to do the bass work... for normal small speaker or low end floorstanding speaker, it's better set small and let the subwoof ...
braun 發表於 2010-10-17 00:50
But if i use cheaper subwoofer like cht-q8 its highest freq only up to 120hz, wont it be better at 100-120hz if u let the sat and sub do the job together? cht-8q is not cheap, it's a very good entry level subwoofer which is far good enough to do bass work than some low end front speaker (even it can go deep to 40-50 hz).
for your front, as it's lowest is 100 hz, the auto setup should be ok to me. I am using Yamaha amplier. If I set all speaker into small, I should set the crossover to 80HZ for all speakers. Please give comment on my setting. Thanks.