華仁影音 特選優惠
Panasonic Plasma iDTV回复: 華仁影音 特選優惠
Is this an old model compare to the 20v?发送自我的 HTC Desire 大板凳 Is this an old model compare to the 20v?
发送自我的 HTC Desire 大板凳
lemonstar 發表於 2010-10-16 12:14 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
U20應該屬於平版, 舊model尾數好似叫10的.
我反而睇中隻22吋有埋iDTV, 2千頭左右~ How much is TH-P50VT20 H ?
65VT20H is too big .... Push!!!!!!! $8800 for 46" Plasma{:1_335:} 都唔係好So o者.我係AVXX,好多都係$8600.隻65寸賣唔洗6皮嘢,卓頭黎慨o者.