請問在末來店買野... 邊條link先正確?http://www.futureshop.co.uk/
http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/home.aspx ??? 買咩???
不過唔理你買咩, 要決一, 買超過一條, 一定要分單...運費竟然會平D~~~~死味!!{:1_262:} 回復 2# 小瑟
買超過一條, 一定要分單...運費竟然會平D <----這是什麼道理??
小弟要買 (3.5mm > rca 及 woofer 線 及 20A POWER CORD 及 WOOFER POWER CORD) .... 末來平嗎??
除左qed 還有什麼choose? 我就用uk果條link....... 回復 3# ozonehk
yes i try one time ah ching.{:6_192:} haha canada 's futureshop mo cable ga, i hv been there many times when i still in toronto 我都係用 uk 架......
我都唔知係咩道理呀, 不過佢地就係咁.....{:1_260:} 上次我已經中左伏!!!! haha canada 's futureshop mo cable ga, i hv been there many times when i still in toronto
benny888 發表於 2010-10-14 14:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Surely they do, but only/mainly those Monster's other than the 'chicken' cables. 就我最近係uk網買野所知, 好似話uk果邊如果件貨係under 2kg, 就會係用本土郵局 royal mail 寄出,如果係over 2kg, 就由一間唔知嘜公司負責, 所以運費貴D, 故未來網買野記得要分開落order, except 個總重唔超過2kg.
如有錯請師兄指正. Surely they do, but only/mainly those Monster's other than the 'chicken' cables.
朗 發表於 2010-10-14 15:04 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
little lor , but compare to UK's canada 's = mo la haha