Soundboy 發表於 2010-10-15 01:51

本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2010-10-15 01:56 編輯

I will say this first....I'm a Ken Choi fan.

But it seems that many people are confused about what happened.OK, Ken said something on TV....but his career didn't stop right away.His "絕對空虛" album was awarded a 白金唱片 by HK IFPI.Then, his "破碎" album was awarded a 金唱片 by HK IFPI.This is 2 years after his TV speech.Only his last 2 albums, "風中追風" and "Kenneth Today", didn't get any awards.By that time, singers like 張學友 had passed Ken Choi in popularity.You can also say that for singers like 鍾鎮濤, 羅文 and many others.Ken never signed with another music company after he left CBS/Sony.So, I think what he said on TV played only a small part to Ken's decline.In my opinion, the non-stop negative reporting by HK's so-called entertainment reporters did more harm.For example, about 2 years ago, Ken attended the annual CASH (Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong) banquet.Ken was/is a member and he didn't do anything strange at the dinner.But the entertainment reporters still have bad thing to say about him.Why?

agic 發表於 2010-10-15 08:53

I will say this first....I'm a Ken Choi fan.

But it seems that many people are confused about what...
Soundboy 發表於 2010-10-15 01:51

    Me too,confused about what happened, thx for telling

horace_tsang 發表於 2010-10-15 09:41

I remember Leslie had said he has forgiven Ken for a long time ago, that is why I never bought the entertainment magazines because I think they don't respect people, but the fact is, still many people likes that reports.

toysonline 發表於 2010-10-15 17:02


Jackiewakusome 發表於 2010-10-16 10:46

Blu Ray CD has a lot of 味精

marsover 發表於 2010-10-16 22:21

回復 13# horace_tsang

    yes, the real murders were the media/ magazine

man641 發表於 2010-10-17 17:13

昨晚見到蔡楓華係荃灣一間茶餐廳內, 黑帽黑超, 都幾型仔, 不過聽d伙計講佢坐左成粒鐘都吾叫野食, 都吾知佢係咪係度試吓有冇人氣呢? {:6_240:}

dai_cast 發表於 2010-10-25 00:13


AV原人 發表於 2010-10-25 00:20

昨晚見到蔡楓華係荃灣一間茶餐廳內, 黑帽黑超, 都幾型仔, 不過聽d伙計講佢坐左成粒鐘都吾叫野食, 都吾知佢 ...
man641 發表於 2010-10-17 17:13


Prince168 發表於 2010-10-27 18:18

佢好過好多依家的歌星多多聲。X 2!
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