kitsiu81 發表於 2010-10-22 17:39

pineapple2007 發表於 2010-10-21 18:54

oops... I bought the second one with $!!$, but it's CD, not SACD.
btw, the one I bought is printed from US, does ching think there is any different between print from HK and US?

also, is there a realli big different of SACD and CD?!
too bad I didnt know there is SACD of DK b4~

pineapple2007 發表於 2010-10-22 17:46

oops... I bought the second one with $!!$, but it's CD, not SACD.
btw, the one I bought is print ...
kitsiu81 發表於 2010-10-22 17:39

   一般我都覺我 usd > eu > hk , 而sacd當然好過cd好多啦,如果師兄你都係用緊sacd player你都可以考慮下shm-sacd,來緊12月呢3隻日本都會出shm-sacd....超正{:6_193:}

babuwa 發表於 2010-10-23 09:55


wwwbrian 發表於 2010-10-23 14:25

wondering HMV has all Diana Krall's collection? If so i may shop around there during weekend {:6_181:}

ltho3k 發表於 2010-10-23 17:32


bigtearice 發表於 2010-10-23 20:22

wondering HMV has all Diana Krall's collection? If so i may shop around there during weekend {:6_181 ...
wwwbrian 發表於 2010-10-23 14:25

我諗尖沙咀, 銅鑼灣, 中環會齊晒, 九龍灣可能得2, 3隻.

sclendan 發表於 2010-10-27 11:45

本帖最後由 sclendan 於 2010-10-27 11:47 編輯

我覺得佢都OK喎, 易入口呀....{:6_211:}


Open Arms / Julee Karan 樹里からん

reanult360 發表於 2010-11-7 22:04

Think 發表於 2010-10-13 21:46

    WINTERPLAY is great!!!

wwwbrian 發表於 2010-11-17 14:15

回復 22# mooche

Ching..此CD我已購入..第2首一個字正{:6_193:} ..但係除左之外全部都係純音樂..想問有無D好似有人聲既介紹呢?
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