wwhcfy 發表於 2010-10-12 22:07

JL Audio F113 or MK 350

小弟打算買隻 subwoofer, 但係心大心細 唔知買 JL Audio F113 subwoofer or MK 350 好{:1_342:}

本人之前有sunfire eq10, 但係唔係太啱口味, 所以想換. 有無師兄可以比d意見. many thanks

marvintai 發表於 2010-10-12 22:23

回復 1# wwhcfy

Why you compare with 2 different product? M&K is very punchy while JL is not.

wwhcfy 發表於 2010-10-12 22:29

回復 2# marvintai

thanks marvintai
as i see you use f112 subwoofer, any comment on this? and does it provide punchy when watching movie? or it's same as sunfire?

marvintai 發表於 2010-10-12 22:36

回復 3# wwhcfy

JL is not as punchy as MK Subwoofer.
JL is very well balance on Bass quality (dynamic and deepness).
If you looking for fast response and punchy sub performance, you should consider MK Sub.
Of well overall performance, you should consider JL.

P.S.: Wireworld Oasis sub cable might not the good match with JL.QED Signature Sub cable can tighten the JL with more punch performance.

wwhcfy 發表於 2010-10-12 22:51

回復 4# marvintai

tks again

may i know where did u buy? and how much? cheers :)

marvintai 發表於 2010-10-12 23:15

回復 5# wwhcfy

You can order the QED Sub from Future shop...or R33.....

avmilk 發表於 2010-10-13 10:39

as the bass quantity of JL F112 / F113 is very full body,AQ & wireworld make it muddy & sound a bit slow~

QED make the bass sound clear but not reduce the bass extention

Taralabs also sound clear with some improvement on mid-low bass

chinchin 發表於 2010-10-13 11:04

咁整體而言 taralabs 會係比較好嘅選擇?

l06300204 發表於 2010-10-13 21:01

JL Audio F113 {:6_193:}

wwhcfy 發表於 2010-10-13 21:01

回復 7# avmilk

tks for yr advice.
so you are talking about QED reference or QED signature?
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