Susan Wong CDs
岩岩入左兩隻,希望係最好聽既兩隻...先.- 511
- A night of the movies
Ching 們,你地覺得邊兩隻最好聽呀?{:6_193:} Close to you is her best album{:6_212:} 我都係覺得 Close to you 最好聼{:6_193:} x3 通常都係一鳴驚人,Close to you 真係唔錯!{:6_193:} {:6_237:} Ha you have to buy again.close to you Itoy兄!點解唔上黎law左料先去買呢!{:6_238:}
想聽Susan Wong 梗係買Close to you 啦!Is the Best{:6_190:} x3 通常都係一鳴驚人,Close to you 真係唔錯!
moliu 發表於 2010-10-11 10:49
x 4 {:1_351:} susan wong 小弟全部買齊sacd and xrcd,各有各精彩 本帖最後由 ryuichi 於 2010-10-11 20:22 編輯
呢隻好 d................{:6_142:} 回復 6# KING
聴左依兩隻,都okay la...