lay133 發表於 2010-10-10 17:32

Denon 4010UD or Marantz UD8004

I am using Denon 4310 AV amp. & plan to choose between 4010UD or UD8004 to replace Sony 765.On first thought, 4010UD may be the right choice as I can use the Denon link 4th edition to maximize the amp function.However, after reading through a few overseas review websites, I found out the disc loading time of 4010 is quite slow (90 secs for loadinga blu-ray disc !!). Now, can any 4010 current userC-hings give advice to me whether the loading time is really that long, and whether its superior video & audio quality still worth my choice over 8004 ??

andytang688 發表於 2010-10-10 17:50

我用緊 4010 ,沒 90 秒咁耐,我諗由入碟到有畫面約廿零秒至三十秒到

lay133 發表於 2010-10-10 23:13

Within 30 seconds loading is acceptable. Any C-hing has actual experience with Denon Link 4 ? Is it that magical to the audio quality as claimed by the manufacturer and is it better than using decent hdmi such as Wireworld Starlight 5.2 ??

MC485 發表於 2010-10-11 01:29

c hing, wanna ask U. Any unsatisfied of Sony S765?

lay133 發表於 2010-10-11 10:36

回復 4# MC485
So far so good from 765.Just want to see any upgrading performance from 4010 or 8004 in term of audio & video quality.

RiceR9 發表於 2010-10-11 10:46

之前睇一編文章....講到4代denon link無敵咁勁.....

avmilk 發表於 2010-10-11 11:01

之前睇一編文章....講到4代denon link無敵咁勁.....
RiceR9 發表於 2010-10-11 10:46


i have compared the result as:
1) 4th Denon Link on / off
2) 4th vs 3rd

both the results are obviously~

RiceR9 發表於 2010-10-11 11:22


andytang688 發表於 2010-10-11 20:45

Denon Link 條原廠 cat6 線好貴下 , 樓主要有心理準備
我頭先用碼錶計過時 , 係入碟到有畫面 35 秒

matt 發表於 2010-10-11 21:17

how about compare to pioneer LX91?
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