我見豐澤同華仁影音既價差好遠例如Polk AUdio RM705 既5.1套裝 豐澤$4700 華仁影音 $3800
ONKYO 308 AV AMP 豐澤$2680 華仁影音 $2200
請問係豐澤貴? 定係華仁影音既價錢有蠱惑?
平咁多? 信得過嗎? 正常~豐澤係開公價,就算有得平都未必平過其他影音舖 華仁會賣嘅Polk AUdio 係行貨嚟嘅{:6_182:} 豐澤碌咭唔收 charge (因為包埋) 我見豐澤同華仁影音既價差好遠
例如Polk AUdio RM705 既5.1套裝 豐澤$4700 華仁影音 $3800
ONKYO 308 AV AM ...
alanchan 發表於 2010-10-10 00:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
- i bought my 607 from fortress a year ago
- The onkyo sales guy at fortress said it's almost the rule that they can give 5% discount from the listed price, which is the discount I got (but if u don't ask, they'll sell it at the full listed price). this is no matter u pay by cash/EPS/ credit card with or without 12 or 24-mth interest free installment
- fortress price already include free-delivery (whereas shops like 華x really depends their offer)
- my case: listed price less 5%, and pay by credit card with 24-mth installment
hope that helps. 我見豐澤同華仁影音既價差好遠
例如Polk AUdio RM705 既5.1套裝 豐澤$4700 華仁影音 $3800
ONKYO 308 AV AM ...
alanchan 發表於 2010-10-10 00:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
喇叭應該有9折 如果兩者都係行貨, 應該無問題, 華仁影音肯定平啲!
但一定要問清楚有無現貨, 最好睇埋貨先付款, 即刻自己拎走! 即刻自己拎走! 呢個好重要.{:6_193:} 若要送貨豐澤就安全d須然個價貴d但心安理得 本帖最後由 ghostkam 於 2010-10-11 17:59 編輯