thomas430 發表於 2010-11-7 11:56

I just ordered VT20 65" at $52,xxx with 2 3D spectacles and BD Player
洋蔥頭 發表於 2010-10-25 10:48

    CHING 係邊度buy????52xxx好給引的價錢

Gulu 發表於 2010-11-9 10:26

WAIT FOR YOUR REPORT Ching {:6_193:}

ekylam 發表於 2010-11-9 12:34

Overall, the picture is excellent. I can really say "SIZE DOES MATTER". When you watch some movies with very big background or space, or even a soccer match when they pan the camera to the whole stadium - it's amazing, you can really feel you are in it!!!

Color - very good, but natural and solid. This is reason why I waited for so long and not turn to LCD/LED. LED looks sharp, but not natural.

Smoothness - very good too. I'm actually quite surprise when you watch at a 65" TV the motion is very good. Especially now when I set to 1080p/24hz, nearly perfect.

TV - Detailed and colorful. One down side is the advanced recording that you can only select the programme on that day, not like MagicTV you can schedule every week! MagicTV is the best I think.

Some more to report - Wireworld Ultraviolet 6 HDMI cable - it's really a good HDMI cable that brings out the solidity of the color and sound. I have two because one go straightly from BDP to TV and the other from BDP to AV Amp.

And... QED Reference aerial cable - just OK. Not much difference.

Lunch now.
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查看完整版本: Panasonic TH-P65VT20H unleased at Best (MegaBox)!

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