請問有無師兄試過用oppo83插外置harddisk睇BDMV,BDISO?之前好似話只支援fat32。 Yes, I am using oppo83 with fat32 hdd,Simply convert bdmv to avchd, u still can get dtshd and truehd, no need to worry!{:1_335:} 回復 2# Gio
師兄,你好,我想買吓,之前個sales話外置harddisk只支援fat32格式,但係fat32又過唔到啲4G以上嗰啲BDMV,BDISO...個sales叫我將個40G嘅檔案分成十幾份過檔!攪笑! Sales is right!U have to divide it into ten pieces, but software will do that for you, no worry. Btw, I am selling my oppo83, feel free to pm me, haha! {:6_190:} Sales is right!U have to divide it into ten pieces, but software will do that for you, no worry. ...
Gio 發表於 2010-10-5 23:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
any new target? {:6_175:} 回復 4# Gio
回复: 請問有無師兄試過用oppo83插外置harddisk睇BDMV,BDISO?
TS can play?发送自我的 GT-I9000 大板凳 回復 5# cosworth01hk
入左部Dune Prime 3.0 玩住先.. {:6_183:} 回復Gio
其實我之前考慮過買,不過用唔到外置harddisk播BDMV所以無諗,如果可以改善就好喇! ...
josephyeung426 發表於 2010-10-6 00:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
而且AVCHD可以一樣俾PS3 USB直出,
唔洗用PS3 media server經電腦咁複雜 {:6_193:}