換50+" 電視: plasma vs led
最近屋企裝修到如火如荼,影音野都入手得差唔多, 攪攪下連廳部電視都有左批文, 本來係42吋icd, 依家想upgrade 去50+, 大家有冇啲咩建議?1. 我唔知 plasma 定 led 好, plasma 黑位好啲,led 白位好啲, 我係想要自然啲
2. 如果係 plasma 我琴日睇左 p50v20h($19800 分期價) 同 p50v10h($17100 分期價), v10h 日本製造加黑邊位襯屋企多啲,v20h 貴啲但hdd recording function 我唔需要, 咁應該揀邊部?
3. 如果係 led, 好似得 sharp 果部似靚啲, 但本身好貴, $27800 out 左 budget, 而佢果個 6speakers 我地用 自己啲 speakers 實好過佢都用唔著, 有冇其他 choice? PAN...p50v20h is better ching{:6_193:} C-hing
Plasma is much better for movie, because of deep dark background. image quality is more nature. LED is more shape and bright, maybe better for TV experience when you light up the lamp at home.
V10 and V20 's panel is differnt, I did A/B test, personally I like V20 panel more. so I picked up V20.
If you pay it in Cash, it should be 2K cheaper at MK shops.
Hope it helps plasma 色彩好D{:6_128:} 我之前都係用42" Plasma...E+用緊panasonic plasma P50V10H...好滿意{:6_127:} C-hing
Plasma is much better for movie, because of deep dark background. image quality is more natur ...
lyl223 發表於 2010-10-5 11:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
what did u discover when u do AB test on v10 and v20? i couldn't do AB test as they were not put side by side yesterday in CWB AV life...
v20 is much hotter than v10, will that be a concern?
and so how much in exact if u buy v20 in MK shops? 我之前都係用42" Plasma...E+用緊panasonic plasma P50V10H...好滿意
joelcan 發表於 2010-10-5 11:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
其實外型我覺得v10 好啲架, 但唔知點揀...
v!0: 外型, 日本製, 冇咁熱
v20: 新款啲, internet 乜乜, hdd recording, 對比度 (呢個都係冇咩意義) 聽聞...V20係PIONEER個TEAM人過檔後開發的...
V20的PANEL黑位好過V10好多...(好似係) 講真...睇過 Plasma, 你就唔會想用 LED / LCD If over budget, no need to consider led, just plasma