chhanthony 發表於 2010-9-30 22:25

本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2010-9-30 22:27 編輯


Thank you so much chhanthony ching!!!

I'm using Parasound A51 for movie, so is i ...
LPL 發表於 2010-9-30 22:16

I know a member here who using Pioneer LX-82 + Parasound Halo A51 + Elac FS247 + CC241...sound so great....
if you are using Parasound A51 for movie, go for Elac la....

LPL 發表於 2010-9-30 22:52


RiceR9 發表於 2010-9-30 23:02

我係旺角添置訂左247.....$17XXX (聽聞代理訂左好多貨四維派貨, 所以突然平左{:6_217:})
中置我會買RC-42 II......
反而買條好D既SP CABLE & POWER CORD仲好....

LPL 發表於 2010-9-30 23:10

Thx all ching's advices.

For me, mainly movies, so Center Speaker is very importnat to me. I was planning to buy Klipsch RC64 MKII..... but now, need to reconsider to change all LCR to Elac or wait for RC64 MKII....... {:6_241:}{:6_241:}

doublez 發表於 2010-9-30 23:42

回復 14# LPL

我都係覺得夾番同一牌子好0的, CC241 {:6_193:} , 返宜我少見人用 Elac 0的 surround speaker

LPL 發表於 2010-9-30 23:46

Yes, so if I change, i will change LCR to FS247 and CC 241, then need to sell my Klipsch RF82..... haha......

If I keep RF82, then will wait for RC64 MK II la.... think think sin.....

Dave 發表於 2010-9-30 23:55

Welcome to Elac FS247 family...{:6_190:}
I bought the speaker also because of here C-Hing{:6_218:}
No regret...

LPL 發表於 2010-10-1 00:43

thanks Dave hing.... seems FS247 is very good, so many good comments.... and which one did you use before?

all ching here are poison...... {:6_206:}{:6_206:}{:6_206:}

LPL 發表於 2010-10-1 00:44

what about CC241? any comment?

Dave 發表於 2010-10-1 02:40

I had posted b4, you could search it out. And so many comment FS247 on POST76.....after checking, I think you will buy them tomorrow.
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