巴塞隆納同馬德里12日自由行,今日聽d人講果邊治安好差.... 本帖最後由 stanley2468 於 2010-9-28 11:27 編輯巴塞隆納同馬德里12日自由行,今日聽d人講果邊治安好差....
gorrick 發表於 2010-9-28 02:28 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
not so bad
last year i has been visit barcelona and mallorca{:6_182:} 回復 2# stanley2468
e?!咁師兄有冇好地方介紹去睇下玩下?我地第一次去,都係打萛跟住本書四維行. 巴塞隆納同馬德里12日自由行,今日聽d人講果邊治安好差....
gorrick 發表於 2010-9-28 02:28 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
OK la, 我覺得起碼好過倫敦, 幾年前去差d俾gypsy偷嘢.... 回復 4# yoes
@@"比倫敦好.....咁都ok wo~ 回復 5# gorrick
just like going to other place else by 自由行, dont go out at night la
wish u good vacation, enjoy{:6_237:} 回復gorrick
just like going to other place else by 自由行, dont go out at night la
wish u good...
yoes 發表於 2010-9-28 11:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
西班牙主要必去沙灘野、行下博物館及建築物,食下野睇下football game{:6_238:} HAHA~咁又係,老婆大人擔心ma~ went there by alone b4 for a month ...
english useless there