Sunfire HRS-10 or HRS-8?
本人正考慮買Sunfire HRS-10 or HRS-8,因不知那個才適合廳的大少。我廳是長方形,大概9尺成14尺,請問有沒有ching知道應買HRS-10 or HRS-8。我用onkyo 808 receiver
謝謝 一定買10寸啦………不過最好買12寸啦{:6_122:} 12寸啦{:6_176:} 12寸會不會太大?我冇咁多錢。hehehe 9' X 14' = 126 sq feet
I think 8" is enough. If too big:
1) you cannot let your sub to show its 100% power
2) booming is too serious
You need to have a bigger room for the bass wave to expand, just like a water drop on the water surface. Dont think bigger is better, you need to consider the real environment. sub仔既野, 真係有大買大, 尤其係你屋企個地都唔係細果隻!!!!
你可以理解為, 大單元, 大把貨賣, 小單元, 岩岩夠貨賣. 同埋每大一吋彈出黎既質感都好唔同, 尤以 10"同12"最大分別!!! 本帖最後由 melonfrog 於 2010-9-27 16:08 編輯
I am using an 8" Mordaunt Short Alumni 9 sub-woofer at the moment.I am planning to trade in the alumni plus a centre speaker for the Sunfire (of course I need to pay the diff).
So, the HRS-8 is enough, correct?Will the HRS-10 work better for the area of my 廳? 強烈建意........12寸{:6_132:}{:6_133:} 師兄, 你唔駛問幾多吋架喇, 問十個九個都同你講要12吋 {:6_134:}
我覺得如果係budget 問題, 可以試下其他牌子o既12吋十仔,都有好多好野, 如果係位置問題,咁就冇計.... marcocyh兄,我夠位放12",但我從來冇諗過要12",因本人不是愛打心口大強勁的低音,我其實都是在考慮8" or 10"。我剛買了onkyo 808和加了一對surround,覺得個 alumni 9好像不夠,便想一不做,二不休,換個sub-woofer。又不想換了8"就regret不買10",要知點都係買了回家才真正試得出那個好些?