smartchoi 發表於 2010-9-27 14:58

Crossover setting for sunfire hrs 12

我用audessey test倒crossover要set150,但係hrs只可以set20-100,

lyl223 發表於 2010-9-28 16:09

C-hing, where could you set up 20-100 hz on HRS 12? I just bought Sunfire 12 last week. Thx.

smartchoi 發表於 2010-9-28 17:51

You can see "Crossover frequency" button at the back of sub,
I just see Max is 100Hz and then "Bypass". It seems to me that if Crossover is setup as "Bypass", the crossover frequency is attributed to Amp setting...

But I am still doubt that the specification of Sunfire just support 20/30 to 100Hz, not sure whether support over 100Hz crossover since I am using Micropod & Smallpod, both are difficult to handle low frequency...

lyl223 發表於 2010-9-29 00:12

thx, smartchoi hing

smartchoi 發表於 2010-9-29 01:00

you're welcome and enjoy your sunfire!!

lyl223 發表於 2010-9-29 12:37

you're welcome and enjoy your sunfire!!
smartchoi 發表於 2010-9-29 01:00

    Thanks, C-hing. Just tried for less than 1 week, still trying to learn how to set up it in the best way. well, waiting the running in as well.
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