KEF speakers 用 馬仔5005 定 onkyo 608 好?
hi 各位 C Hing,本人去KEF TS show room 試聽 iQ 50, 真係一聽難忘,非常喜歡! 當時sales 係用馬仔 5005 播 CD, 十分之悅耳。所以本人打算添置 KEF iQ50 再加威力登8吋subwoofer for 2.1 用住先。因本人會聽哥(jazz + 方大同)同睇戲,打機,十分平均,現考慮onkyo 608 / marantz 5004, 不知那一個比較合適,請各C Hing 比d 意見。 之後手頭鬆d,會添置iQ60C 同後置,完成5.1 setting.
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 hi 各位 C Hing,
本人去KEF TS show room 試聽 iQ 50, 真係一聽難忘,非常喜歡! 當時sales 係用馬仔 5005...
deltasug 發表於 2010-9-26 16:58
如果喜歡聽歌多,馬仔可能會啱你多D{:6_182:} Why not 馬仔 5005 if you are satisfied? budget problem? If so, I suggest go for 5004. Coz i will watch movie also. Dunno Marantz 5005's performance in movie compare with 608. seems many C hing comments 608 are gd for both movie and music and 608 is cheaper also ... hehe .... kef 好似出左新款既 q-series...你再試下先啦
by the way , 我用緊iq 30... If Ching don't use 3D, buy 6004 better.{:6_165:}{:6_165:} I am waiting. I will try try Q500 also. heard that it will be more 15% more expensive than iQ50. I will use 3D ar. I plan to buy Samsung C7000 40' with my PS3 first and upgrade the blu-ray player later 聽jazz + 方大同 (me too) must buy Marantz, if need 3D then buy 5005 la if 6005 out budget.{:6_166:}{:6_166:}