batmanfive 發表於 2010-9-26 00:13

Dynaudio s1.4 黑色同其他木有冇分別 (聲音)

Dynaudio s1.4 黑色同其他木有冇分別 (聲音)

Nan7yo 發表於 2010-9-27 09:08

I think the different paint color has no big difference to sound quality, just choose the color you like.
e.g. Some ppl said ProAC 1SC Ebony color gives the best sound, I tried many times but really can't tell... As most of the speakers are just sticking wood skin on top. Only few brands use the whole wood.

hellodanny 發表於 2010-9-27 10:35

Morning Nan7yo hing,

Long time no see! Any change on you 2 channel system recently??
Have youbrought the "Foot" for you sepaker and add some "Bass trap"

My bass trap have arrived earlier & I've stored in my room coner "left & right" and it made the bass more clean and clear...

Thank you for your coffe last time.

Have a good day!

Nan7yo 發表於 2010-9-27 23:10

回復 3# hellodanny

QUOTE="hellodanny"]Thank you for your coffe last time.

Have a good day!

Hi Danny,

How are you doing? Did not change anything in my hifi lately as quite busy on work~

Cool to clean up base at home, have to visit your home to test when I'm less busy. I got some new limited coffee capsules, come to drink anytime :-) 


hellodanny 發表於 2010-9-28 10:49

Morning Leon,

That's great I can try your coffe again, just let me know when you have time..

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查看完整版本: Dynaudio s1.4 黑色同其他木有冇分別 (聲音)

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