dominickwok 發表於 2011-6-10 10:04

順口請教吓, 我做完自動音場後SUB 仔距離比真實差好遠,Check test tone 得個 45dB ,其他Speaker 75dB, 咁係 ...
pinkspider 發表於 2011-6-9 18:44

Do not modify the SUB distance that is reported by the Auto Calibration.The Auto Cal actually measures the time delay that needs to apply to the SUB (it just reports the findings as distance in metre or feet).It is usually measured as longer than the actual distance because the SUB's internal amp and low-pass/EQ circuit will cause significant delay to the bass sound.It is better to leave it unchanged.

pinkspider 發表於 2011-6-10 10:38

回復 21# dominickwok

    noted with thanks{:6_184:}

小瑟 發表於 2011-6-10 11:31

我就一定係睇自己喜好玩, 之後就再效得出高中低都平衡就OK, 二行字講就好簡單, 但做到就.......{:1_262:}

都係果樣野, 最緊要自己睇戲投入同開心~~{:1_351:}

chung190030 發表於 2011-6-10 11:43

Do not modify the SUB distance that is reported by the Auto Calibration.The Auto Cal actually me ...
dominickwok 發表於 2011-6-10 10:04

咁如果做完auto set之後,sub仔改過相位,咁又洗唔洗再做auto set呢?

小瑟 發表於 2011-6-10 11:44

咁如果做完auto set之後,sub仔改過相位,咁又洗唔洗再做auto set呢?
chung190030 發表於 2011-6-10 11:43

chung190030 發表於 2011-6-10 11:47

回復 25# 小瑟

咁係咪通常auto set > change phase > auto set, 之後就唔洗再搵返正確既相位架LA

其實auto set個sub仔delay同埋相位係咪一樣互動既野,定係兩樣唔同既野黎架?

garyleunghk2222 發表於 2011-6-10 11:55

又學到嘢 {:6_195:}

ming2002 發表於 2011-6-10 14:02

我会將所有speakers set small, cross over set 80, off 晒DRC 或late mode, 再用EQ 把中置的中低频較大1, 2 db.

joelkw 發表於 2011-6-10 14:40

我会將所有speakers set small, cross over set 80, off 晒 ...
ming2002 發表於 2011-6-10 14:02

又有好野袋落袋, 今晚試下先! Thx

ericbusmo 發表於 2011-6-10 15:09

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