russianhacker 發表於 2010-9-25 11:50

otis008 發表於 2010-9-25 08:57

    I am using Triangle Bookshelf speaker. in my opinion, this speaker is perfect matched with Luxman Class A integrated Amplifier.

chowchow2 發表於 2010-9-25 11:56

wa wa wa....正ar

wwwbrian 發表於 2010-9-25 12:05

what is the different in betwwen 509U? sorry i m new!

cmsjkung 發表於 2010-9-25 12:52

Good.... {:6_195:}

鬼馬小靈精 發表於 2010-9-25 13:22


sunny.xia 發表於 2010-9-25 13:48

very nice!{:1_326:}

russianhacker 發表於 2010-9-25 15:00

I have not tried u509. But I audited the u505 and found the soundstage is more suitable fir movie, the sound basic is fast and transparency but a little thin(my feeling only). If you are taking a lot of time for movie. U series may be a good choice as it have av bypass function. But pure music, I will go for class a amp definitely.

babuwa 發表於 2010-9-25 15:36

Nice amp!!{:6_195:}{:6_195:}

alexwrx 發表於 2010-9-25 17:40

hi I 'm new to luxman , now this new product is it have a AV by pass ? n is the damping factor is high ? also what the jumper use can CHing explain ?

mai12cn 發表於 2010-9-25 20:57

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