fanshu 發表於 2010-9-24 18:18

Sorry, my mistake, I mixed up KI Pearl and KI Pearl Lite.............

roica 發表於 2010-9-24 22:45

Sorry, my mistake, I mixed up KI Pearl and KI Pearl Lite.............
fanshu 發表於 2010-9-24 18:18

never mind, PM15S2 definitely is higher than KI pearl lite, but both prices are very close....
I choose KI Pearl Lite because I want to have black color, but the KI Pearl is totally out of my budget. I believe the price of KI Pearl Lite will be drop after few months.....

ANWKLO 發表於 2010-9-24 22:51

never mind, PM15S2 definitely is higher than KI pearl lite, but both prices are very close....
I c ...
roica 發表於 2010-9-24 22:45

PM15S2 more power than Pearl Lite{:1_335:}

babuwa 發表於 2010-9-25 11:03

PM15S2 more power than Pearl Lite
ANWKLO 發表於 2010-9-24 22:51

    but don't have black color....{:6_125:} {:6_125:}

ANWKLO 發表於 2010-9-25 11:11

but don't have black color....
babuwa 發表於 2010-9-25 11:03

It doesn't matter, I like Champagne gold {:1_335:}

roica 發表於 2010-9-25 11:13

It doesn't matter, I like Champagne gold
ANWKLO 發表於 2010-9-25 11:11

but this is the main point for me to consider...

babuwa 發表於 2010-9-25 11:14

It doesn't matter, I like Champagne gold
ANWKLO 發表於 2010-9-25 11:11

    buy Champagne gold must be PM-15S2 la!!{:6_190:}

roica 發表於 2010-9-25 11:15

buy Champagne gold must be PM-15S2 la!!
babuwa 發表於 2010-9-25 11:14

I agree

ANWKLO 發表於 2010-9-25 11:43

but this is the main point for me to consider...
roica 發表於 2010-9-25 11:13

Then, PM-Ki Pearl Lite is the only choice for you{:1_343:}

clarkwan 發表於 2010-9-25 22:07

When I look at the what hifi interview with ken
he said KI peral lite has the same design with KI peral,
but use different material
so i guess, it must be higher grade than 700X/800X
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查看完整版本: 中秋節團圓 Marantz PM-Ki Pearl Lite

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