BASH® amplifier
本帖最後由 vc113 於 2010-9-22 00:33 編輯見到而家SVS , MK 同 klipsch 新款既subwoofer 都係用呢一類既amp 呢做賣點.其實佢同D類 放大器有乜唔同呢, 好處同壞處又係邊道呢? 以下講既野就係咪真既呢?{:6_141:}
有源超低音作爲家庭影院系統的一份子,負責重播電影音效中的低頻音效,用來補足主音箱不足的低頻量感受,或無法達到的低頻及極低頻領域。重播的超低頻足以刻劃及帶出整個電影的層次,使其更具影像化更生動,灌注電影的生命;而Klispsch明白這一點的重要性,在全新Reference Ⅳ系列的有源超低音揚聲器中採用內置BASH® digital hybrid Amplifier 數碼混合功率放大器,這是一種結合D類放大與AB類放大的最佳化混合運用,解決了效率與傳真度兩者難以兼顧的問題;同時獲得D類放大與AB類放大兩者的優點。那麼澎湃的低頻更垂手可得。(copy form klipsch produst web site) 正野!!~
{:1_335:} 點正法先.......{:6_141:} 以我知SVS以改用sledge amp,watt數大d。我想BASH又不是什床
可以猜它價格不会高去那裡。有錯莫怪{:1_347:} 回復 4# DBBoy
睇返svs 個 web site 佢而家全線都改左做DSP amp......又係一d唔乜東東既新amp 尼呢...不過之前佢既頂級pc13-ultra 都係用呢殼bash amp.所以想睇下佢賣點係邊咁囉
Regardless if you are an expert or newly looking into high-performance audio, we challenge you to find a sub with more performance heritage, with parts half this good, and with a price that's even close... and you are sure to know this SVS keeps the faith with its predecessors and its famous SVS Powered Cylinder and Powered Box brothers. Nothing takes up less floor space or works better than the new PC-Ultra.
Just glance at the third generation Ultra woofer here, and you know why the most discerning audiophile customers go with SVS Ultra subs. While we've long built some of the world's best audio components ... if we have a crown jewel, this is it.
Made by hand in small batches, with incredible attention to quality control, the "Ultra" woofer has few peers, at any price. One recent veteran magazine reviewer called the previous generation PC-Ultra simply the "best subwoofer I have ever tested". Color us, not surprised.
Couple the virtually bullet-proof performance of the completely new Ultra-13 woofer with our new 750 watt BASH amplifier designed for our new and exclusive Powered Cylinder subs... and you have accuracy, durability, incredible depth and more flexibility in setup and tuning than nearly anything you can buy anywhere else.
Of course the cylinder design that made SVS famous is included, along with true variable tuning, fully modular service-ready design, parametric equalizer, and a tough but attractive fabric that's at home in any home.
In short, for any music or movie audio enthusiast, this is might just be the $3,000 subwoofer to beat (it's just that we only charge $1,399). Don't wait long to get your order in for this SVS. They're always selling like ... well... like SVS's. More on the PC13-Ultra here!