我部XTREAMER駁左去ROUTER, O係WINDOW SHARE 個FOLDER去播放, 但播放影片某D位既時會好LAG, LAG既位置通常都有D效果既畫面. 請問點先可以解決? 唔該晒. which router you are using ? using LAN, homeplug or wifi ?how big the file is ? what is the spec of your computer? 本帖最後由 E.K. 於 2010-9-21 02:24 編輯which router you are using ? using LAN, homeplug or wifi ?how big the file is ? what is the spec o ...
acma 發表於 2010-9-21 00:28 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
用緊BUFFALO既G54S, 用LAN線唔係WIFI, MKV檔1080P 10GB左右, 電腦行I5 4GB RAM, WIN 7 64BIT, THANKS.
佢只係某D位先至LAG, 但用HDD睇就冇事... it seems the bottleneck is the router and network lan cable, 100M lan port cannot afford the sudden pop up of frame bitrate when playing big scene
I use similar setting, I5 + synology NAS / xtreamer with a linksys gigalan router, just enough when NAS and router are not full load
but sometimes I am too lazy to turn on the computer and just use NAS => xtreamer (wifi) => HDMI to TV, for a 12Gb mkv, smooth when the network is idle, but a little bit slowdown when big action scene 即係個ROUTER唔夠力做野?? 我巳經試過OFF晒所有野例如P2P之類既野都係咁.. 用緊6M 寬頻. 咁關唔關WINDOWS SHARE做唔到突然流碼大既FILM事? 岩岩試左同一個FILE既720P就冇事... 我都剛剛加入xtreamer行列,share file 完全冇問題,我用緊部電腦仲要係7年前舊到就嚟死都ok喎,
router 就用mac 嘅time capsule 行緊網上行30M ,會唔會個寬頻問題呢? 唔關事, 720P冇呢個問題, 但用XBMC 做SHARE就冇事, 好暢順, 但係就SUPPORT唔到外掛字幕 =.=
個Router得54G,可能唔夠寬頻堝。發送自我的 GT-I9000 大板凳 個Router得54G,可能唔夠寬頻堝。
發送自我的 GT-I9000 大板凳
SonSon 發表於 2010-10-3 09:24 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
用XBMC就冇問題, 可惜唔多SUPPORT外掛字幕..