thomas430 發表於 2010-9-20 02:14

回復 14# ho8569hk

POWER 確實係make the difference, 十仔插左by bass後力量大而實,bd player會用digital,電視用analog畫面乾淨.
至於amp我會這樣選擇,睇戲我會插by pass,力量大增使戲中的槍聲,搏擊聲,緊張的場面一一表達出來.聽歌仔便把amp插去analog使背景清靜,聲音柔和一點.若買了powerbar sure 要用盡佢

shing517 發表於 2010-9-20 08:27

正呀, 好鬼靚, 不過真係幾貴下....

doublez 發表於 2010-9-20 08:34

回復 23# shing517

值嘅, 不過唔試過真係唔知. {:6_193:}

bearbear1314 發表於 2010-9-20 08:43


doublez 發表於 2010-9-20 08:51

回復 25# bearbear1314

你唔買o個幾盒野咪得囉, 另 CHING 都話"adventage in showroom is that it can accept HSBC 分期"{:6_222:}

ocicattt 發表於 2010-9-20 09:19

本帖最後由 ocicattt 於 2010-9-20 09:31 編輯


POWER 確實係make the difference, 十仔插左by bass後力量大而實,bd player會用digital, ...
thomas430 發表於 2010-9-20 02:14

Thx cHing for sharing, looks like u r a big SINE fan too. I like ur big snakes!!

After I burn-in my PCs I want to do A-B tests on two major things: {:1_254:}
1) Test for difference between plugging AV Amp/ Stereo Amp into Bypass or Analogue

2) Plug subwoofer in 30A or completely isolate and plug into another power circuit

I only heard cHings talk about these b4, need to test for myself!! {:1_351:}

ocicattt 發表於 2010-9-20 09:32

C Ching

CDP put to Digital or analog in Sine 30A
tcflex401 發表於 2010-9-20 01:06

CDP and BDP should plug to Digital

ho8569hk 發表於 2010-9-20 20:03

回復 22# thomas430


vc113 發表於 2010-9-20 21:10

ching 呢舊野一次過插晒av amp(by pass) , subwoofer(by pass), TV(analog), HTPC(analog). 呢4件高watt 野. 如果同一時間開既話夠唔夠力呢?

itoy2008 發表於 2010-9-21 01:44

bypass = digital?
頁: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8
查看完整版本: 電源 Upgrade: 第一次買SINE **SAF-30A, Louis, Othello**

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