C-hing, Roksan K2 authorize dealer is big elephant, u can audition it there and I pay 11800 HKD for it. 回復 20# 小Ga
and Yes, it have AV bypass....push the B&W 685 to the limit... For B&W, also can try marantz PM-15S2 at similar price range with Roksan K2.{:6_142:}
Int amp 的選擇
回復 20# 小Gaand Yes, it have AV bypass....push the B&W 685 to the limit...
Thanks for the info. There is showroom in wanchai. Let me go to see see sin For B&W, also can try marantz PM-15S2 at similar price range with Roksan K2.
babuwa 發表於 2010-9-20 10:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thanks! let me also try try sin marantz pm11s2 Roksan Kandy K2 Product of the Year What Hi-Fi Awards 2008 ~$9K
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBjWLxqzkW4 如果你睇戲多,我會建議你買U505玩住先,唔鍾意時賣番出去個價都唔差。有錢就直上U509. 我之前都試聽過幾隻唔同既AMP,試過Electrocompaniet ECI-5,啲聲真係好sweet,好柔,之不過價錢 ...
小Ga 發表於 2010-9-18 23:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
係中環香林大廈試過Spendor A6 , 佢地用Luxman 509U推,cdp Luxman ? 高低音伸延唔係好盡, 平均舒服耐聽聲, 都覺得D人聲唔夠甜, 唔知道係喇叭定amp特性{:1_342:} Roksan Kandy K2 Product of the Year What Hi-Fi Awards 2008 ~$9K
ANWKLO 發表於 2010-9-26 11:20 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
上過去showroom度聽Roksan K2 Amp and CDP, 之前聽過幾部其他牌子差唔多價位既Amp, 以呢個價錢黎講個質數真係幾好, 可以話C/P幾高!