rklpoon 發表於 2011-2-19 17:18

Just want to mentioned that there was a Simaudio user on the day I demo the MRX700/500 who finally switched to 700 according to the Excel salesman. I used to usea Mod Squad Line Drive (passive, no power inside) for separate 2 channel music(together with the Sony CDP X5000 and the Spectral DMA-50 driving a pair of Thiel CS1.2). Recently I skipped the use of the Line Drive and used the 700 as the pre-amp(feeding coxial was better than RCA from the Sony CDP) and found that the 2 channel music was good (even better as the Anthem Room Correction ARC balanced my assymetrical location of the Thiel speakers (L adjacent to a sidewall whereas R has more side clearance), resulting a better/balanced stereo image/soundstage.

Sure the Japanese receiver has more features/function than non-Japanese receivers, HDMI is even more stable. You ears is your final judge.

yuppi 發表於 2011-2-20 12:54

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