其實係睇到話有個event,抽獎有部Zeppelin Mini,係ipod speaker嚟 (原價$4,000)。驚自己一條友上去會比人sell到暈,有冇ching上過B&W,係咪好似鴨記啲上樓鋪咁?同埋B&W啲野得唔得?http://www.men1000.com/giveaway/images/20100906_B&W.jpg
http://www.men1000.com/images/2010_article/Digital/20100614_02.jpg B&W呢個牌子very good!!{:6_193:} but the price really bad....{:6_156:}{:6_156:} 即係個價錢唔值? not 唔值, but not everyone can afford for their higher model. {:6_238:} how much discount to buy speakers in that event?
Seems its CM1 is good for me!! i have that zepplin mini, very good @@
bought in the uk for 250 pounds...hk is like 4000 回復 5# marcocyh
我唔知Discount幾多呀,不過我想抽中Zeppline Mini...hahah {:6_138:}8 系 啦 B&W 好野黎,
同埋B&W啲野得唔得?----好到不得了 有冇人會去? 好似係21號晚美麗華