bigtearice 發表於 2010-9-16 03:41 AM
我係德發入貨。{:6_189:} 加版少左52分鐘喎,唔通cut左啲暴露暴力鏡頭!? 加版少左52分鐘喎,唔通cut左啲暴露暴力鏡頭!?
kennethc2k 發表於 2010-9-16 20:15
唔係嘛! 咁搵鬼買!
好在入咗美版! 加版少左52分鐘喎,唔通cut左啲暴露暴力鏡頭!?
kennethc2k 發表於 2010-9-16 08:15 PM
如果cut咗啲暴露暴力鏡頭咁同睇NOW TV一樣。{:4_68:} 聽聞disc3系LCPM2.0喔 系唔系啊C兄? 睇完介紹......幾有興趣......但要等中字VER ! The star of the show, Andy Whitfield, just announced he won't be returning to the show for the 2nd season due to the resume of aggressive treatment of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (a form of treatable cancer).The future of the show is unknown at this point.Season 1 and the upcoming prequel, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, might be the only two outings of the show. 睇完介紹......幾有興趣......但要等中字VER !
Maldini 發表於 2010-9-19 21:20
美國電視節目已經唔多中文版, 呢套又暴力, 又暴露, 我諗出字幕機會唔大. 除非美版有中文字幕!!
回复: <Spartacus: Blood and Sand>: 美版 BD "(實物圖)"
呢套好睇- 发送自我的 HTC Desire 大板凳 聽聞disc3系LCPM2.0喔 系唔系啊C兄?
silva 發表於 2010-9-19 08:32 PM
唔係LCPM2.0,全部係Dolby HD。