C200 區碼問題
我買左部c200 但是近日下載了一隻bd iso 不能播放 ,因為A區的問題 ,想請問如何可以解決? 轉區碼 ?有限制轉幾多次的嗎? 我買左部c200 但是近日下載了一隻bd iso 不能播放 ,因為A區的問題 ,想請問如何可以解決? 轉區碼 ?有限制轉 ...然少 發表於 2010-9-12 19:38 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
部機買返黎預設係B區, 改返部C200 做A 區就OK.......只得5次機會
BD Region Setting:
1.) go into Setup (no need to put an BluRay into the drive)
2.) press now "Slow, 1, 6, 6, 3" on your remote (SLOW means the |> Button on the Remote)
3.) an popup shows up, on the remote use the number keys to select the region you need.
Quote:1 = Region A
2 = Region B
3 = Region C 可唔可以整到 無限區碼呢 可唔可以整到 無限區碼呢
ming 發表於 2010-9-12 21:17 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
用酒精120%同Anydvd攪 即係要係個SOURCE FILE整
C200 就無得搞 有得搞,
c200 裝NMT APP
PC 裝Community Software Installer
再開Community Software Installer 裝一個叫C-200 Region Code app
搞掂..........不過因為REGION CODE UPDATE 比較慢........所以我最近記得SUPPORT到FIRMWARE 係3月果個.........次次UPDATE FIRMWARE 都要等UPDATE 個REGION CODE APP
亞Q 精神方法就係DOWN 返去3月個FIRMWARE 搞一次REGION CODE FREE 之後會變返5次轉區碼之後又再UPATE 返新FIRMWARE 有得搞,
c200 裝NMT APP
PC 裝Community Software Installer
再開Community Software Installer 裝一個叫C ...
matthew 發表於 2010-9-13 18:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif