如題... 咁大家用咩收email? you can use MS Office's Outlook, if not.. install MSN LIVE messenger, should include the program call MSN Live Mail 哈 我買隻win 7 返黎裝左都有同你同樣問題.最後打去ms 個cs 問完後...買多個office 啦 呵!!! (最後我買左office 07) 回復 3# sonic310
OFFICE買左幾錢??? 回復 2# 威廉
oic... 原來真係無outlook express... {:6_187:} MSN live mail 係 free download, 都可以像outlook express 收發email & read newsgroup. 我買個個係oem版 1k 左右既價錢.
不過如果師兄你依家買.一定買2010版啦.個價都係差不多. 回覆 1# eddy310
Windows Live 程式集 想問下outlook express 入面重有好多email,有乜辦法可以響Win7 睇番呢? 想問下outlook express 入面重有好多email,有乜辦法可以響Win7 睇番呢?
stm 發表於 2010-9-12 12:59
Transfer Outlook Express emails to Windows 7 – Windows Live Mail•
1.Before you transfer emails from Outlook Express to Windows Live Mail on Windows 7, you need to move the email accounts. This is important.In Outlook Express, click on “Tools” -> “Accounts“. This brings up the Internet Accounts window. We are concerned only with the email accounts. Select the account (you may have more than one) and hit the “Export” button. Exporting email accounts will save the information in a .iaf file.
2. Copy the .iaf files on a pen drive (flash drive) or a CD and take them to the Windows 7 computer. Now open the Windows Live Mail program. Click on “Tools” and select “Accounts“. By the way, if you don’t see the top menu bar on Windows Live Mail, use the Ctrl-M key combination to make it visible. In the accounts pop, use “Import” function to get all the account information in the new email client. You would have to import accounts one by one if you have several of these.
3. It’s now time to transfer emails from Outlook Express to Windows Live Mail on Windows 7. Export the messages from Outlook Express (”File” -> “Export” -> “Messages“). Copy them on a flash drive or a CD and then import them to Windows Live Mail (”File” -> “Import” -> “Messages” -> “Outlook Express 6” – check screenshots below.