matthewtsui 發表於 2010-9-11 17:52

XtreamerPro v2.41 firmware update (Sep 10, 2010)

What's new in this firmware?
ull control functionality (like media library) for online playback
-          Users can see full info, can skip +30 Sec/+3 min (http only), can zoom dynamically or can use subtitle for online playback

1.       DTS5.1 and Dolby Digital can be supported SPDIF audio output without "HDMI AUDIO" Setting
Audio                            HDMI Audio               Digital Output                              SPDIF output
DTS5.1                               ON                  DTS/Dolby TrueHD/DolbyD+                     DTS
Dolby Digital5.1            ON                  DTS/Dolby TrueHD/DolbyD+               Dolby Digital
2.       Resume playback control function added
-          From “Settings->Playback->Resume Play” user can choose “Never/Ask Me/Always”
-          “Never”-> Never resume playback, “Ask Me”-> Will ask for Resume playback, “Always” -> will always resume playback without asking
3.       Now “Auto Upgrade” function will work for both “/sda” and “/sda1”
4.       Default DNS changed to (Google DNS) to improve YouTube streaming

5.       HDMI compatibility (for pink display and noise and etc)
-          Please change “Settings->HDMI Compatibility Set” and “Settings->HDMI Chroma Sub-Sampling Set” values
6.       “Setting->System->Lock Folder Displaying” changed to “Setting->System->Hide Locked Folder->Yes/No”
7.       Internet channels updated and replaced missing images
8.       180 Minutes (3 hour), 240 Minutes (4 hour) and300 Minutes (5 hour) values added toPower Off Timer

Bugs fixed
1.       Spindown function always on if spindown set off and reboot
2.       Fan speed value for Medium has been reduced as it caused noise (for Xtreamer Pro only)
3.       Manual setting of Fan Speed don’t works (for Xtreamer Pro only)
4.       Some “Smi” subtitle can’t detect in multi lingual subtitle
5.       During playback MKV file with external subtitle (SSA or AAS) if “Next” button pressed, system crashes
6.       Internal subtitle can’t display correctlyin subtitle popup menu
7.       “HDMI auto-> off” remains on after reboot
8.       Fan speed manual setting default value jumps to 130 from 100 when “Down” button pressed and can’t set below 130
9.       Flac file including cover art can’t play (can only play for the first time)
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: XtreamerPro v2.41 firmware update (Sep 10, 2010)

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