russianhacker 發表於 2010-9-11 19:48


francis_leung21 發表於 2010-9-11 22:19

550000Yen 一台Luxman,即係5皮港幣。

不如US$ 7150-買台Pass Labs INT-30A,糸出名門美國機。

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-9-11 10:49

講起LUXMAN 同埋PASS 既純A...2種不同FEELING...
PASSLAB 個種係普遍CLASS A 既特性...爆熱..中頻好...同埋PASSLAB 既特性...好爆..
LUXMAN 既CLASS A 係中性之中加點SWEET 味...係唔同...仲有唔多熱...

不過PASSLAB 入門30W 唔係好夠力...比推動力控制力..呢2部LUXMAN 比PASS 好...不過LUXMAN 個部比PASS 貴...PASS 再上級又比LUXMAN 貴好多...所以好難比

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-9-12 00:49

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2010-9-12 09:36 編輯

講起LUXMAN 同埋PASS 既純A...2種不同FEELING...
PASSLAB 個種係普遍CLASS A 既特性...爆熱..中頻好... ...
francis_leung21 發表於 2010-9-11 22:19



唔熱那會是正Class A呢?

Pass Labs INT只有一個Model,但有30A Class A 30w x 2和 150 (Class A / AB) 150w x 2两款,以前Threshold SA-3 推B&W DM 17書架效果無人話無力,INT 150在數 w以內都係Class A,所以都勁熱,和本人X600.5一樣,Pass Labs 上一級就是要前後級了,後級是XA30.5。

Luxman 合併分別有550,570和590,590是Luxman合併Top model,亦分590A Class A ( 30w x2)和590u Class AB (120w x 2)。

美國機和日本機最大分別就是力感,其次Luxman 590AX已是590的第三代。

Luxman 590AX : 556500Yen x 0.092 = ~HK$ 51,198-
Pass Labs INT 30A/150 : US$ 7150 x 7.77 = ~HK$ 55,555-

babuwa 發表於 2010-9-12 17:30


francis_leung21 發表於 2010-9-13 00:51

LUXMAN 定價好合理...師兄放心...唔會過分...

matt 發表於 2010-9-14 01:02


Pass x350 - 350w
first 50w is class A but not pure class A.
front is current meter, when the meter does not move, it means i am using class A.
when i set the volumn over half, the meter still not move.
therefore i even does not use up 50w class A most of the time.
when i used to paly with my very old Infinity Kappa 9 speakers(each channel 7 units, 2 of them are 12" woofer). this monster can drop the ohm down to 0.7ohm. The meter is still not move most of the time.

so even 30w class a is good enough to push normal speakers in 150ft2 area.
頁: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: Luxman 590AX 純A級 amp

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