philips 7409 (42" LCD TV) + ONKYO 308 (BLUERAY) 一問
各位CHING , 小第以上配備睇BD 時, 定鏡好清, 但一出D PAN 鏡或者是人物走動時, 就會有D格仔圍住個人物邊, 究竟是器材不足, 還是SETTING 問題呢?,,,聽講PHILIPS 個數碼動態補償係會有影響...又聽講個ONKYO-308 入面有關 1080P 的顯示 24H /50H 會影響流暢度....唔知關唔關事呢?P.S. 小弟部AMP 為 ONKYO 508, BLURAY 以 HDMI 入AMP , 再由 AMP 出 HDMI 去TV.
謝謝.!!! philips 7409 平時看電視,pan鏡都係至,有殘影
部機質素一般,有上述情況,正常。 我部7403 以前都有這現象, 但當關左個HDNM 即刻靚晒, 可以試試!!!
回复: philips 7409 (42" LCD TV) + ONKYO 308 (BLUERAY) 一問
我有試過關掉它,但畫面的閃爍程度立即大增,很難接受囉发送自我的 HTC Hero 大板凳 回復 4# poon0209
hi.. ching
i watched this tv in shop.. and found that it is quite smooth when compared to other TV....or it is just not very ok to play bluray ar?? 我有試過關掉它,但畫面的閃爍程度立即大增,很難接受囉
发送自我的 HTC Hero 大板凳 ...
poon0209 發表於 2010-9-9 23:21
我都係敢話{:1_256:} 回復poon0209
hi.. ching
i watched this tv in shop.. and found that it is quite smooth when ...
kenma 發表於 2010-10-31 21:28
i also try 9000 series with 'Transformer II' , same as 7000 , luckily i didn't pay more to buy 9000.
Seems like only plasma TV without this kind of problem