kchu1377 發表於 2010-9-7 21:42

Which Surround Speaker & Int Amp?

All C-hings, I'm using the following:

Front: Jmlab 1007be
Centre: CC800v
Amp:Pioneer Lx-82
Int AMP: Exposure 2010s
BDP: Pioneer Lx-53
CD Player: Cambridge 840c

I like to upgrade my surround speakers and int amp, which would be a good choice?

Surround Speakers:
1) Mirage Prestige
2) Jmlab Sib

Int Amp:
1) Mcintosh MA6600 (However no AV Bypass)
2) Simaudio i3.3 (what kind of price range?)
3) NAD M3 (Cheaper)

Thanks all c-hings in advance.{:6_195:}

babuwa 發表於 2010-9-7 22:59

Both surround speaker seems too weak to match with Ching front and center, may be at least 700V surround, better 800V surround.{:6_178:}{:6_178:}

What 's Integrated amp budget? Have Ching try Luxman before?{:6_175:}
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