發表於 2008-3-10 14:34
原帖由 skenstudio 於 2008-3-10 02:28 PM 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
其實咁近玩 Wii 都死人啦,
其實咁近用52" LCDTV 都死人啦,
真係有錢無定駛Smilies003 Smilies003
我一D都唔覺咁玩法係享受!Smilies003 Smilies003
發表於 2008-3-10 14:48
我見佢部 SONY LCD 仲要買埋膠邊版真係有錢
發表於 2008-3-10 15:12
原帖由 skenstudio 於 2008-3-10 02:48 PM 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我見佢部 SONY LCD 仲要買埋膠邊版真係有錢
佢部LCD TV係X300,
發表於 2008-3-11 00:29
真係搵黎搞~ 不過lee位人兄有機會換屋o既時候d器材唔駛換過哂就真~:lol
發表於 2008-3-11 14:22
>作者: coma
Ming Sir : actually for the performer ofmy set up.....i give 85 points to them......i don feel any booming when drivingtwo 12" subwoofer in my set up......and i have planing to buy the third subwooferin coming few month.....because i am just bought the velodyne sms-1 eq forthe main speaker and all 3 subwoofer to make it the best fq response in myroom....i think there will be a perfect sound after i am using the eq controlafterward !!!!.......hope to share my experience to all of us.......i knowthat some ppl is saying that i am foolish to do that set up in such a smallplace......and say it was wasting money.......but i just try all that i cando to make my place better and better and i can tell you i am doing a lotresearch when i am buying all this stuff.......i know all the function andi know how to use that in deep......i am so enjoying my system when i usethem to play video game and watchng movie...
i have planing to buy the third subwoofer in coming few month.Smilies020Smilies020Smilies020
發表於 2008-3-11 14:29
Why not buy separate sub-woofer for each channel / speaker?
Then his system should be perfect.Smilies011 Smilies011 Smilies011
發表於 2008-3-13 00:41
原帖由 ahnel 於 2008-3-11 00:29 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
真係搵黎搞~ 不過lee位人兄有機會換屋o既時候d器材唔駛換過哂就真~:lol
咁睇法就唔係law. :lol
如果佢搬大d地方, subwoofer要買多4, 5個先出到番依家個 "效果". 而d座地speaker 都要upgrade. Smilies019
發表於 2010-8-21 00:57
佢隻woofer 近到可以 "long" 腳, 震到細佬好有feel......{:6_134:}
發表於 2010-8-21 01:08
回復 5# laiho
佢唔係7.2應該係9.3黎隱苦見到好似仲好高前置 不過地方真係唔夠 喇叭之間距離太短其實會唔會無晒D環繞FEEL架{:6_146:}
發表於 2010-8-21 12:29
咩器材都冇用, d聲散唔到, 撞埋一堆~ {:6_204:}